• Wake Up Jonas Elrod

    Wake Up Jonas Elrod
    1. Wake Up Jonas Elrod Full Movie
    2. Wake Up By Jonas Elrod

    Jonas Elrod was leading an ordinary life until he woke up one day to a totally new reality. He suddenly could see and hear spirits of dead people, angels, auras and extraordinary energy fields. The documentary Wake Up follows this fascinating story of an average guy who inexplicably developed the ability to access other dimensions. Initially skeptical of his own extrasensory perception, Jonas feared he might have some psychological, physical or emotional impairment that was causing him to apparently see beyond science’s current three dimensional explanation for reality. However, after visiting with doctors, physicians, and psychiatrists, Jonas received a clean bill of physical and mental heath and also reassurance that he was not suffering from delusional thinking, schizophrenia or some other type of psychological disorder. So, what was it? Why was it happening to him?

    Jonas Elrod first opened up about seeing angels and demons in the documentary Wake Up.Now, he updates us on his spiritual visions, why he sees them as a gift and his relationship with his girlfriend, Mara Evans.

    One thing was certain for this 36-year old man — life as he had known it would never be the same. With his loving but skeptical girlfriend by his side, Jonas crisscrosses the country as he searches for answers and delves deeper into this thrilling world of the phenomenal and spiritual. Along the way, he encounters an amazing group of religious teachers, scientists, mystics and spiritual healers who help him piece together this intricate puzzle. Most people who claim to have the type of experiences that Jonas has usually hold them self out as something special or as some type of glorified sage, mystic or prophet.

    However, Jonas is clearly a regular guy who takes a very nonchalant and inquisitive approach to trying to figure out why he has been gifted or possibly cursed to see spirits, angels and beyond our three dimensional perception. This is refreshing, entertaining and inspiring to watch. While we may be hesitant to acknowledge these unusual experiences to other people or even to ourselves, I think most people have spiritual experiences similar the ones Jonas had — whether it is feeling the love of a family member who has passed away, gaining insight from unexplainable sources of inspiration or simply experiencing an unmistakable moment of synchronistic grace.

    Wake Up is an invitation to accept that these type of phenomenon do occur, while still being grounded and attentive to the activities of our normal, everyday lives. For more information, you can visit the film’s web site at.

    ACCLAIMED SPIRITUAL DOCUMENTARY “WAKE UP” TO DEBUT ON OPRAH WINFREY NETWORK’S FIRST EPISODE OF “SUPER SOUL SUNDAY” Grassroots Indie Film Reveals Supernatural Phenomenon and Debuts on TV Worldwide October 16 th on OWN. BROOKLYN, NY (September 27, 2011) – The provocative documentary film WAKE UP has been selected for its world television debut on Oprah’s OWN Network launch of a new three-hour Sunday morning programming block scheduled to premiere Sunday, October 16 (8 a.m.-11 a.m. WAKE UP ( ) tells the true story of Jonas Elrod, an average guy who one day suddenly began seeing and hearing angels, demons, auras and ghosts all around him. Perplexed by his new ability to experience the supernatural, he sets out on a soul-seeking journey to find answers to his mystifying situation. From physicians, religious teachers, scientists to mystics, spiritual healers and more, he humbly inquires “Why me?” He also fears being ostracized by his own God –fearing, southern Christian family, while failing to see the “gift” of his new found ability, that even his hometown preacher affirms could quite possibly be “God’s way of communicating with him.” Throughout the film, Jonas’ loving yet doubting girlfriend Mara, supports him but questions his experiences along the way. Her skepticism leads to her own profound awakening we witness firsthand.

    The film culminates in the realization that Jonas’s “special ability” is the inspiration for him to discover who he really is and get more out of life. Jonas’ captivating journey to explore larger truths about the universe and everyone in it reveals how all of us can search inward for our own peace and happiness. It’s an invitation to accept that there is more to this life than meets the eye. “ Wake Up is more than just a movie, it’s become a movement. We’ve done screenings across the country and people everywhere are telling us how this film has inspired them to see the spiritual and miraculous in everyday life,” shares Jonas.

    He adds, “I am thrilled that Oprah has chosen to feature our film on her new Super Soul Sunday series, I believe and hope it will touch many lives.” In addition to the documentary, shown in its entirety, Oprah interviews Jonas and talks to Mara about what it’s like to live with Jonas as he learns to accept his uncanny “gift.” The broadcast will be followed by a live conversation, discussion at, as well as, a LIVE twitter discussion with Jonas and Mara at @wakeupthefilm. WAKE UP is also available on DVD and VOD at and is distributed by Beyond Words. Check out Oprah’s terrific interviews with WAKE UP’s Jonas and Mara on starting this Monday June 13. Jonas’’ Oprah Soul Series Interview (1 hr):. Premieres Monday June 13 @ 11am and 4pm EDT.

    Wake Up Jonas Elrod Full Movie

    Wake up netflix

    Saturday June 18 @ 5am EDT. Sunday June 19 @ 6am and 2pm EDT. Saturday July 2 @ 5am EDT. Sunday July 3 @ 2pm EDT Channels: XM 111 and Sirius 204 Mara’’s Oprah Soul Series Interview (1/2 hr.):.

    Premieres Monday June 20 @ 11am and 4pm EDT. Saturday June 25 @5am EDT. Sunday June 26 @ 6am and 2pm EDT Channels: XM 111 and Sirius 204 For those who do not have a subscription to Sirius XM, you can get a free 30-day online trial at.

    Wake Up By Jonas Elrod

    A huge thank you to Oprah and the rest of the Harpo team!

    Wake Up Jonas Elrod